Re: [Epic] lurker /BAD TRADER

From: Elias Tiliakos <elite_at_...>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 98 21:22:25 EST

At 03:25 PM 3/10/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I've been sitting back for the past three months enjoying the hell out of
>all your messages. BTW, I save all the messages from this and the 40K lists
>so if you want an in-depth and comprehensive digest of the BAD TRADER's
>submissions, I can whip something up... Then again, maybe not. ;}
>I recently purchased the Epic box from Travelling Mage ($46! Can't beat it
>with a stick...) and I'm sure I'll be de-lurking VERY soon.

Wait a second. Travelling Mage is carrying Epic 40K? Last time I checked
(granted, this was a couple of months ago), he wasn't carrying any Epic
because, and I quote the owner here, "The new Epic sucks."

Received on Wed Mar 11 1998 - 02:22:25 UTC

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