Alan E & Carmel J Brain wrote:
> J. Michael Looney wrote:
> >
> > A couple of months ago I posted a some what complex set of rules for
> > engineer units.
> >
> > Here is a simpler version of the rules:
> ----->8-----------
> > This can be found on the web at
> >
> At the risk of being a "splitter", I find these rules a little complex.
> Within the context of an E40K game, an engineer unit is mainly going to
> be used for clearing defences.
> I'd therefore have something LIKE (not neccessarily identical to)
> Engineer Upgrade:
> Can clear a Minefield by stopping at it and rolling a 4-6. On a 1 it
> takes a hit.
> Can clear a gap in razorwire by stopping at it.
> Is not affected by dangerous terrain.
> Cost 5 pts.
> Considering the DethRolla on many Ork vehicles, and the various rollers
> used for mine clearance on many formerly-Soviet tanks, there is a good
> argument for giving roller-equipped Ork vehicles this ability.
> In a campaign of course, Engineers lay mines, wire, build bunkers etc.
> But in a tactical game, only their obstacle clearance abilities are
> important. IMHO. And it KEEPS IT SIMPLE.
I am still trying to figure out a way to allow the player to buy mine
fields, so I will keep thinking about this one.
Received on Fri Mar 13 1998 - 16:55:34 UTC