Re: [Epic] Land Raiders

From: Thane Morgan <thane_at_...>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 00:24:43 -0700

pentacle_at_... wrote:
> > SteveThe most vital thing is to not allow them to go on overwatch. That
> means
> >don't ever move into their field of fire, make them come to you,
> >preferably while you are on overwatch. This of course demands decent
> >terrain, so you can stay out of the way. A big LR detat takes up a lot
> >of points, so your opponent will probably persue instead of letting 20%
> >of his army do nothing.
> >
> >Lots of Disrupts are good against LR's; both to suppress AT shots and to
> >keep the unit immobile until you are ready to deal with it.
> >
> >Try to set up assaults. Use 2 assault w/JP (calvary may work) detats
> >which can stay behind cover until its time. Make sure they both have
> >librarians. Take three (with librarians) if you've got the points. You
> >can usually lose 2 assault units to every LR killed and still come out
> >ahead.
> >
> >Bikes may work too, but I haven't tried it. The odds won't be as good,
> >but since they are really cheap, you can lose 3 bikes to 1 LR and still
> >come out ahead.
> >
> >Another thing I haven't tried (because I don't have armies with cheap
> >troops) is to just flood the area with lots of cheap troops. you can get
> >5 gaurdsmen/orks for every LR (10 LR's is the same as 50 gaurdsmen!),
> >and these targets are innefficient to shoot with AT shots (since its the
> >same or better needed to hit). Again, I dont know if this will work, but
> >it should be fun.
> >
> >Hope this helps.
> >
> >Thane
> >
> I like to try to take advange of their slow speed. At a 20 move they are
> limited to how well they get around. Also flyers would be good
> anit-landraider weapons.

Not as good as one would hope. Needing 6's to hit really reduces their
effectiveness, except to place blast markers(and there are cheaper ways
of doing this). I usually send flyers at lightly armored targets, if

Received on Mon Mar 16 1998 - 07:24:43 UTC

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