Re: [Epic] Supermarkets (believe it or not ON TOPIC)

From: COOK MATTHEW JOHN <PBS4661_at_...>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 16:18:46 +0000

On 20 Mar 98 at 10:27, pentacle_at_... wrote:

> >I was in a discussion with a local gamestore owner today, and we came to
> >a conclusion: GW needs to do a national marketing campaign like WOTC did
> >for magic:the obsession. Right now, not enough people even know of the
> >existence of such games, and many of them associate it with "Satanic"
> >Dungeon and Dragons. They need something to make it appear
> >"yuppie-on-the-edge", like the image magic commercials projected, but
> >with more violence.
> You mean actually advertise this game outside of the Gameshops... What are
> you, MAD?!? It would never work...No, wait... Maybe this is just crazy
> enough to work. Who would have thought...Actually tell people about the
> game and they might buy it.

In the UK this is taken to the extreme. Heard several stories about
people coming into the shop saying oh how long have you been here?
The staff reply well this shop has been here for ten years.
Customer replies o walk past here twice a week never noticed it
As they generally seemed to have placed the stores not directly in
the busiest areas of town this is not surprising and generally gamers
are willing to go that little bit further from the centre to get
This means they definetly need some form of marketing which other
than White Dwarf I have seen none of in this country.
If they start to put there boxed sets into supermarkets etc (original
subject which I started this topic) then may get them a bit more
exposure which could in the end mean more sales of blisters etc which
the supermarkets presumeably wouldnt stock.
Anyway enough babble I need to get some coding done and uni closes in
50 minutes so Bye for now

         *** M J COOK ***
AKA: Ghaz,Ghazgkull,Mat,Sparrow,Cookie,Walter Tatum,
     Alberto Giovanni,Damien Black,Joshua,Dct Strank
     Peter Jones & some I can't remember!
Received on Fri Mar 20 1998 - 16:18:46 UTC

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