RE: [Epic] Eldar Knights

From: Cyril Crocker <robertcrocker_at_...>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 21:47:37 -0500

Thanks, that does help.

Does anyone know to pick out the actual variations of each of the different
knight classes? (For playing SM/TL). I also want this info to put up on my
upcoming Epic web site.


-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Irish [SMTP:wirish1_at_...]
Sent: March 20, 1998 10:39 AM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: Re: [Epic] Eldar Knights

>I just received my Eldar knights, now I need help in identifying them.
>This is what I've got:
>1 w/4 arms & forked toes
>1 w/4 arms and normal toes

Towering Destroyer Knights

>2 w/4 legs gun pointing forward
>1 w/4 legs gun pointing up

Bright Stallion Knights

>2 facing forward w/no wings and have spikes on their legs
>2 hunched over - their arms merge into a long square weapon
>1 w/no wings holding a triangular weapon forward
>1 w/wings holding a triangular weapon up
>1 w/heels & long legs, weapon pointing up.

All are FireGale Knights

>2 blisters were labeled Epic Eldar Knights, 1 was Eldar 1-Man Titans, and
>couldn't find the label for the other.

These are all various variants of Eldar Knights. There were two variants of
the Towering Destroyer and Bright Stallion, several (five?) of the Fire
'1-man Titans' was another name for Knights, before they finalized the
fluff, IIRC...

Hope this helps...
Received on Sat Mar 21 1998 - 02:47:37 UTC

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