Re: [Epic] Supermarkets (believe it or not ON TOPIC)

From: Brett Hollindale <agro_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 22:28:37 +0100 (MET)

At 06:56 PM 22/3/98 -0700, you wrote:
>pentacle_at_... wrote:
>> >In the 80's some fanatic sects in Queensland tried this on. But it
>> >didn't goe nearly as far as in the US, basically they gota laughed at a
>> >lot.
>> >
>> >We've been innoculated against a lot of Looneyness, thanks to the US.
>> >You perform a great public service to the world.
>> >
>> Always glad to help. If there are any other nuts you'ld like to see we can
>> see what we can do. That way when Your country has seen and laughed at
>> enough of them, all us sane people in the US are moving to Australia so we
>> can leave are nuts behind. ;)
>> Aerich Frodoson
>> "It has come to the attension of management that people in general
>> actually care. In view of this shift of opinion, we are going
>> to do a better job of concealing what we are actually doing"
>He's not kidding. I find myself looking wistfully at Austrailia. Give us
>some down sides,

Yeah it's a great place except for all of those American immigrants flooding

Agro :-)

>or else your going to get a bunch of american moving
>in, making you play football properly and weakening the beer.
>Oddly, New Mexico has become fed up with all of the New
>Yorkers/Californians moving out here, so the Albuquerque Dept. of
>Commerce made a new "promotional" circular for prospective immigrants.
>In it, it mentions:
>The high incidence of skin cancer
>The number of people who suffer juniper allergies
>That we have more people struck by lightning than any other state
>That we are the focal point of the Haunta Virus outbreak, and we are one
>of two places in the world where you can still catch bubonic plague.
Received on Mon Mar 23 1998 - 21:28:37 UTC

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