Re: [Epic] SV: satans work

From: Brett Hollindale <agro_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 22:28:30 +0100 (MET)

At 08:39 AM 22/3/98 -0500, you wrote:
>staffan raupach wrote:
>>> Altough we in sweden doesnt have such a strong religous organization there
>> were some voices raised after 2 guys killed a third, apperently they had
>> played AD&D earlier that evening, after that there were loads of talkshows
>> that descriped the mind wrinkeling effects(thats bad!) of roleplaying, it
>> has now started to go down a bit though
>> //staffan
>Isn't it odd we don't get coverage about drunks killing each other after
>drinking, or drug addicts killing each other for that last hit. I think
>roleplaying is attacked by some people because they won't miss it when
>it's gone. It's just a game and therefore of no social value to them.
>After all, when was the last time they broke out AD&D at a republican
>rally. Death to the bastard that threatens to take away thier scotch!
>Alas, hypocracy runs hand in hand with democracy.
>Apologies for the just-out-of-bed-Sunday-morning-rant

Actually, in my experience "banning" a game is virtually a gaurantee of
success. if some lunatic bible fringe comes out scrteeming for a game to be
banned, it assures you of more free advertising than you could ever afford
to pay for. Also we all know enough about child psychology to know how
desirable something becomes when you are told that you can't have it...

Received on Mon Mar 23 1998 - 21:28:30 UTC

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