Re: house rules (was Re: [Epic] General Enquiry)

From: Elias Tiliakos <elite_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 98 15:23:10 EST

At 08:51 AM 3/26/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Here's one I'm not using. The "problem" seems less for bigger games,
>though we've had several turns where one side removed just about
>everything and the other kept all their blast markers.
>3. Blast markers: I don't like how the number of blast markers that come
>off at the end of a turn is linear from 0 to 5. Although it is easier
>to remove all of 2 blast markers than it is to remove all of 5 blast
>markers, it is just as easy to remove 0 as it is to remove 5. (Elias is
>concerned that this doesn't provide for 0 blast markers to be removed,
>thus the addition for double 6.)
> Instead of removing d6-1 blast markers, roll two dice and remove
> a number of blast markers equal to the lower die. (Maybe double
> 6s should count as 0.)

Actually, if you made that "all doubles count as 0", I wouldn't mind
using that system.

>I'd also consider:
> War Engines and Vehicles block LOS, not infantry.

I'd play with this too, though I wouldn't mind if it was only War Engines
that blocked LOS.


Received on Thu Mar 26 1998 - 20:23:10 UTC

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