Re: house rules (was Re: [Epic] General Enquiry)

From: Andy Skinner <askinner_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 15:50:48 -0500

Elias Tiliakos wrote:
> > Instead of removing d6-1 blast markers, roll two dice and remove
> > a number of blast markers equal to the lower die. (Maybe double
> > 6s should count as 0.)
> Actually, if you made that "all doubles count as 0", I wouldn't mind
> using that system.

I don't know. Although there are the same number of 0s as the current
system, the average goes down a lot. The official rules give an average
of 2.5 removed per turn. My initial proposal gives 2.52777777,
2.3611111 when double 6s are 0. When all doubles are 0, the average is
1.9444444. I don't know whether an average of half a blast marker makes
a difference or not.

> >I'd also consider:
> > War Engines and Vehicles block LOS, not infantry.
> >
> I'd play with this too, though I wouldn't mind if it was only War Engines
> that blocked LOS.

I think I believe this. I was wondering if most of the rule about
infantry following tanks could be put into "vehicles block LOS", but it
probably adds more complication than its worth.


Andy Skinner
Received on Thu Mar 26 1998 - 20:50:48 UTC

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