re:[Epic] Chaos Titan Battlegroups

From: Cameron Bentsen <stu7i95_at_...>
Date: 20 Feb 1997 16:08 EST

In message "[Epic] Chaos Titan Battlegroups", you write:

> > This list includes a shooty tail if you take a Khorne Titan,
> The gun on the khorne titan tail is one of the Banelord's
> 4 weapons. If you want to take that instead of a real gun, fine
> by me.

No, it's not. The 4 weapon slots are: Hellstrike cannon, Doomfist, and Havok
missle rack, which takes 2 slots. The tail & head guns are extra.
Received on Thu Feb 20 1997 - 21:08:00 UTC

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