Re: [Epic] Net Epic

From: Cameron Bentsen <stu7i95_at_...>
Date: 20 Feb 1997 16:05 EST

In message "[Epic] Net Epic", you write:

> > From: "Cameron Bentsen" <stu7i95_at_...>
> >
> > > > IF we were to keep the current system, I submit that Chaos should have to pay
> > > > 900 points for a Warlord and the Imperials 750. This cost increase reflects
> > > > the Chaos Warlord's access to titan tails as well as all the chaos weapons.
> > >
> > > A +2 CAF is not worth 150 points. And as far as I'm concerned,
> > > the LoB weapons are LoB only, and the Banelord weapons are Banelord only.
> >
> > That's what the extra 150 points buys you; if you don't think you should have
> > access to these weapons, you (obviously) won't pay the extra points. However,
> > I feel that access to these weapons is the primary thing distinguishing Chaos
> > titans from their Imperial counterparts (other than conversions/paint jobs,)
> > and I kind of think that Chaos Titans should be a bit different after having
> > spent a few millenia in the warp...
> Well, they _do_ have tails. And funky heads.

Ooo... rah. Compared with the modifications the warp did on Banelords,
Subjugators, and Questors, that's peanuts.

> I have no objection to there being chaos-titan specific weapons
> like the energy whip, I just don't think they should be the LoB and the
> Banelord weapons.

Other than the whip & tails, what ones did you have in mind? There aren't
any others, and I for one don't want to see us making up *new* weapons for
Net Epic.

> The Banelord is a warlord with a mass of pros and
> cons; on the con side some of his weapons suck compared to imperial
> counterparts (on the pro side some are better than imperial counterparts).
> If you're able to make a titan with all the Banelord's good weapons and
> none of the bad ones, for the same price as the Banelord, well that's
> just wrong. Of course if you assign each weapon an individual price
> the problem goes away, since a Doomfist would be more expensive than a
> chainfist.

As I mentioned originally, my points suggestions only apply if we aren't
changing the way Titans are priced anyway. However, we may still have the
issue of which Titans are allowed to use what to deal with.

> The LoB is kinda the same way - the Death storm is better than
> the gatling cannon, but the doom burner is worse than the quake & volcano
> guns.
> > > > Chaos Reavers, accordingly, should be worth 600 points, and battlegroups 1200.
> > >
> > > Why???
> >
> > For the same reason as above; to pay for the extra weapons choices & tails
> > that distinguish them from Imperial Reavers.
> Hmmmm... well it was AC/JJ's opinion that the LoB/Banelord
> weapons should only be available to Chaos Warlords, but in the end it
> all comes down to whatever house rules you prefer. Renegades doesn't
> place any kind of restriction on which titans could have tails & whips,
> although it seems reasonable that Reavers could take them while
> Warhounds could not.
> > More importantly, they don't have 2 carapace slots. There is, AFAIK, no list
> > of permitted weapons for Chaos Titans other than the standard Imperial ones.
> > IMO, there should be.
> Yet another oversight in TL. Surprise, surprise.

Since this whole discussion revolves around creating Net Epic, we ought to
rectify this error.

Personally, I have no objection to pricing Titan weapons individually. If
you feel this is an important factor in enabling the "LoB/Banelord" weapons
to be used on other Chaos titans, that's fine with me.

> Scott
> shupes_at_...
Received on Thu Feb 20 1997 - 21:05:00 UTC

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