Re: [Epic] Net Epic (pinning)

From: Michael the Liu <mikethel_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 15:38:04 -0600 (CST)

>>Someone else addressed vehicles pinning each other as something they've
>>always found as silly, so I mine as well throw in an idea I've had for a
>>while. Too represent the fact that the vehicles don't have actual holds on
>>each other I have two alternative systems I've been thinking about:

>>a. If a vehicle is pinned, it may opt to try to escape anyways. If it does
>>so then when leaving, any units in CC with it get to take immediate
>>shots against it if they wish (though this will keep them from firing
>>later in the turn) and if they decide to fire, any shots automatically
>>hit against its rear

>"automatically hit" is a bit rough. I was figuring that flyers would end up
>with something like this and I was going to propose "a round of shooting at
>the rear" as being fairly appropriate...

I don't think that auto hit would be too rough as getting the chance to get
away with odds being of dying is better already then absolutely no chance at
all. But like I said before, I probably favour option b more, as option a
would be fairly useless for unshooty units.

>>b. If a vehicle is pinned, it may opt to try to escape anyways. If it does
>>so then when leaving, a round of CC is immediately fought. The fleeing
>>unit rolls 2 less dice then usual, and if it wins the CC, then the unit
>>that was pinning it suffers no damage, but the fleeing unit gets away.
>>If the unit that was pinning it wins then the vehicle dies/takes a hit
>>as usual.

>>Michael the Liu


Michael the Liu
Received on Thu Feb 20 1997 - 21:38:04 UTC

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