Danger Will Robinson.
Cornelius Perkins (that's me) wrote:
> Steve Wik wrote:
> > I know that generally this is acceptable, but I was wondering
> > specifically about things like rough riders and bikes which used to be
> > done two to a base and are now done three to a base.
> They don't have to be. IIRC, you can base them how you like,which is the only
> way they make any sense, given the way you
> can guy them. Personally, I base them one at a time, because
> otherwise, how do you represent one (or two) out of three
> getting scragged.
That would be "can buy them", of course, but now that I wrote it, I've
gone back through my materials and I can't find where the "base them
as you like them" clarification came from. So warning: I may have
been (gasp) wrong. If so, grumble grumble, I'm going to have to
rebase my bikes. Lots of them.
And if I _was_ wrong, how do you folks represent the death of one
or two out of three?
// Cornelius Perkins cperkins_at_...
// http://www.nothinbut.net/~cperkins
// In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni
Received on Mon Mar 30 1998 - 22:00:18 UTC