Re: [Epic] Dets Question

From: Phil Taylor <ptaylor_at_...>
Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 11:12:45 -0700


The way I read it is that under the command heading it says "You must choose
a commander." In the notes section it states any unit that is part of the
detachment can be designated as the detachment HQ subjest to the chain of

The detachment with actual units in the command section of the deactments
have different wording.

This would seem to me to indicate that 1 of the main force units would be
placed in the command section (+25). So you could take 11 siege artillery
units (1 HQ, 10 Main)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Looney - ionet <mlooney_at_...>
To: space-marine_at_... <space-marine@...>
Date: Friday, May 01, 1998 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Epic] Dets Question

|WolfSamurai wrote:
|> At 03:17 PM 5/1/98 -0400, you wrote:
|> >
|> > If I take an IG arty det with 4 basilisks does one of the four
|> guns
|> >go up into the command slot so
|> > all I have are 3 slots available to fill on the support side?
|> >
|> > I may actually get to play a game this weekend!!
|> >
|> >
|> >> kevin.kelley_at_...
|> >> My opinions are my own, my employer knows nothing about it.
|> >
|> As far as I can tell this is true. You have to put 1 of them in the
|> Command
|> slot.
|That is NOT how it works. You pay 25 points for the detachment. One of
|the main force units is designated as the commander. It's still a main
|force unit for all other rules. Other wise you could have 11 units, not
|Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed. P. Opus
| Version: 3.1
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Received on Sun May 03 1998 - 18:12:45 UTC

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