[Epic] Detailed Daemon Engines

From: Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 14:03:33 -0400

OK, these rules are already up on the E40k side of my website
(http://www.rpi.edu/~shupes/EPIC) but I thought I'd post them here
to see what people think of them (if anything =). I'd also like
to credit Richard Desnoyers for the original idea, which I spun
off into the following rules. Comments are welcome.

Detailed Daemon Engines

More thoughts from me on bringing the diversity of units found
in Titan Legions into your Epic 40k game. This time around I am
going to cover the various distinct and very different Daemon
Engines that got unfairly lumped into a single stat line.

Daemon Engines of Khorne

I have two flavors of rules here: abstract and detailed.

Abstract Rules
The abstract rules break the Khornate daemon engines into two
groups: long-ranged, or "Cannon" engines (Tower of Skulls, Blood
Reaper), and close combat, or "Grinder" engines (Death Dealer,
Cauldron of Blood,Brass Scorpian). The Doom Mortar is still
considered to be "Chaos Artillery".

---------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ----- -----
Cannon Engine 20cm 30cm 3 D3+2 6+ Rampage
Grinder Engine 20cm 15cm 3 D3+3 6+ Rampage
Chaos Artillery 10cm 90cm Hvy Brg 0 5+ Artillery

The Chaos Artillery stats are the same as what is printed in the
Armies Book; they are merely provided for comparison purposes.

Replace any instance of "Khorne Daemon Engine" in the army list
with the following:

Khorne "Cannon" Daemon Engine 26 pts
Khorne "Grinder" Daemon Engine 25 pts

Detailed Rules
The detailed rules provide seperate stats for most of the various
daemon engines, allowing them to fufill their true purpose on the
battlefield. The "Cannon" engine stats from the abstract rules
above are still used, as the Tower of Skulls and Blood Reaper are
nearly identical in function and effectiveness. However, the Death
Dealer, Cauldron of Blood, Brass Scorpian, and Doom Mortar are all
given their own distinct stat line. Furthermore, the Chaos
Artillery unit is gone, and replaced with the Cannon of Khorne unit.
Note that Cannons of Khorne do not have the Artillery ability; they
are direct-fire only.

---------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ----- -----
Cannon Engine 20cm 30cm 3 D3+2 6+ Rampage
Death Dealer 20cm 15cm 3 D3+3 6+ Rampage,
Cauldron Blood 20cm 15cm 3 D3+3 6+ Rampage,
                                                        Close Support
Brass Scorpian 20cm 15cm 3 D3+3 6+ Rampage,
Doom Mortar 20cm 45cm Barrage D3+2 6+ Rampage,
Cannon o Khorne 10cm 90cm Hvy Brg 0 5+

Dozer - this is one of the new e41k abilities - a unit with this
ability can clear a path through forest and rubble terrain, allowing
other units to follow along behind without any penalties (or benefits,
like cover).

Replace any instance of "Khorne Daemon Engine" in the army list with
the following:

Khorne "Cannon" Daemon Engine 26 pts
Khorne Death Dealer 29 pts
Khorne Cauldron of Blood 28 pts
Khorne Brass Scorpian 27 pts
Khorne Doom Mortar 38 pts

Replace any instance of "Chaos Artillery" in the army list with the

Cannon of Khorne 40 pts

Daemon Engines of Slaanesh

The Slaanesh Daemon Engine stats apparently are meant to cover the
Hell-Knight, Hell-Scourge, and Hell-Strider, which is just wrong.
The Hell-Strider is a smaller version of the Knight and Scourge -
sort of a scout version, if you will. The two larger engines are
roughly equatable to the Imperial Knights, and the Strider is very
similar to the Imperial Sentinels. And as such, it should be
distinct from its larger cousins on the tabletop.

---------- ----- ----- ----- ------- ----- -----
Hell-Strider 20cm 30cm 2 1 4+

Replace any instance of "Slaanesh Daemon Engine" in the army list
with the following:

Slaanesh Daemonic Knight 29 pts
Slaanesh Hell-Strider 10 pts

Scott Shupe
shupes_at_... shupes@... http://www.rpi.edu/~shupes
"You can't throw me to the lions! I'm Charlton Heston!" - Lard
Received on Thu May 14 1998 - 18:03:33 UTC

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