Dave Gentzler a �crit :
> The E40K Tyranids have some SERIOUS problems, which led me to recently
> off the army (actually I traded it for a bunch of marine/eldar stuff to
> bolster those armies).
> Tyranid problems (off the top of my head):
> No flak. Zero. Harridans and gargoyles just die die die, so you have to
> take huge amounts to stave off enemy air power. While Harridans seem OK
> first glance, your enemy can target any of your fliers he wishes in an
> engagement. Guess what gets shot down first in every game? 50 points
> of Harridan. That leaves a bunch of gargoyles to simply soak up enemy
> You're paying 16 points per model for a flying, dying screen.
This could be easily fixed. We can imagine some sort of creature like in
Starship Troopers (remember these big things firing big ion shots against
humain ships?).
For example, a Flak upgrade of the Exocryne or Dactylis for xx points?
> The Bio-titans are worthless. No shields. No regeneration. The cop out
> answer from the design team of "regen is represented by high wounds and
> armor" is rubbish. Bio-titans will be targeted by anti-tank (goodbye high
> armor) and decimated before they can do anything remotely interesting
> anit-tank shots rolling over into criticals. We instituted a house rule
> allowed the bio-titan player (that was me) to roll at the end of the turn
> regenerate wounds (like void shields). They still got smoked. They are
> grossly overpointed in comparison to the other titans.
Even with regeneration your bio-titans were not efficient?!!
> The ability to ignore blast markers is worthless when incoming anti-tank
> fire cherry-picks your synapse line out of the detachment, resulting in a
> leaderless swarm that must now take leadership tests. This tactic is
> but both legal and in the enemy player's best interest.
> I understand that the whole point of a tyranid swarm is to beat the enemy
> death in CC, but it just doesn't happen that way. Even using drop pods
> avoid attrition moving across the table) you have to be in the enemy's
> right away or be gunned down to death). The space marines just go into
> overwatch and shoot you to death and the eldar just laugh and move away
> they can shoot you from afar. Haven't played an epic Guard army, but I
> suspect the artillery would accomplish the same thing. Orks can be dealt
> with unless there's a gargant.
> I tried numerous troop configurations and varied my tactics, but the end
> result was a solid tyranid thumping.
Oups, this is very bad... :(
> All in all, the least viable of the armies in current edition. They
> need some sort of fix.
Hopefully, this can be done thanks to the SM Mailing List. :o)
Fran�ois Bruntz
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Last Udpate : 05-20-1998
Received on Tue May 26 1998 - 22:36:22 UTC