Re: [Epic] Is GW going bust ????? - Thane read this.

From: Sauron Moridor <sauron1_at_...>
Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 21:24:13 -0700

Sauron1 writes; Thane/Dave;

        As I am on "Sabbatical" I am not going to go over to the "Garage" and
go back to work. Besides I locked out all access for two weeks,to
prevent "Temtations" like Thanes post on GW E-mail.

        One does not just "DO" a sattelite without authorization.It requires a
lot of access,especially to the ground control systems server which
should not be accessable. But a very high place away from the electonic
background of cities and power lines is a great area for sensetive
sattelite tracking or control sites and though thease are often guarded
on the ground the control functions are remote and, well it was really
not that hard, their encripting was non-military class, about a year out
of date.

        As a Chaos player, I would like to find out about the true release
date,but I do not think it is fixed. They have to create molds, and the
WD must have at least a 30 to 90 day lead time between creation and
printing.There are British and North american versions to consider too.

        Even though half is adds and one tenth old Blood Bowl articles.

        Which reminds me, Does anyone have any Metal epic chaos deamons like
Blood Letters or such to trade for an epic pack;

#7284 Nurgle deamons? It contains an Unclean One and seven Spawn

Received on Tue May 26 1998 - 04:24:13 UTC

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