[Epic] My Blood Axe Vehicle Detachments

From: Carl Billen <Carl.Billen_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 11:49:48 +0200

Hi everyone,

I was planning to organize my Blood Axe Orks vehicle detachments according
to the Imperial Guard organization model, and here's what I came up with :

Da Tank Redgeement (7 Battlewagons + 3 Flakwagons) : 209 pts

    Da Tank Boss : Warboss upgraded to a Battlewagon (old Vindicator or
Gobsmasha mini)
    Da Gobsmasha Companee : 3 Battlewagons (3 Gosmasha models)
    Da Big Burna Companee : 3 Battlewagons (old Imperial Hellhound minis)
    Da Dakka Dakka Companee : 3 Flakwagons

Da Fast Redgeement (13 Buggies, 6 Bikeboyz and 3 Speedstas) : 342 pts

    Da Buggy Boss : Warboss upgraded to a Buggy
    Da Wheelz Companee : 3 Buggies and 6 Bikeboyz
    Da Trakz Companee : 9 Buggies (3 old Scorchers and 6 old Wartraks)
    Da Well 'Ard Companee : 3 Speedstas (1 with a Death Ray (Bubble
Chuckka), 1 with Lifta Droppa and one with no upgrade = old Dragsta model)

Note that my detachment structure was largely influenced by the (old-style)
models I have and by my interpretations of 'Da Fluff'.
I have to admit that I have no idea whether these dets will actually work,
but I could use any advice.

Carl Billen
Received on Wed Jun 10 1998 - 09:49:48 UTC

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