Re: [Epic] Land Raiders

From: REV. James Black Rose <larosenoire_at_...>
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 03:24:59 PDT

>From owner-space-marine_at_... Fri Jul 10 18:36:40 1998
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>Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 20:33:12 -0500
>From: Mike Looney IONet <mlooney_at_...>
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>Subject: Re: [Epic] Land Raiders
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>The Forgotten Spice Girl wrote:
>> In reference to my previous post, is the rarity of land raiders, if
>> look at the neat little diagrams that lay out the orginization of
>> chapters, you'll see that only the 1st (ie Terminator/Veteran)
company has
>> land raiders listed under support.
><snippage about power gamers removed.>
>I have Codex:UM in my hot little paws even as I type.
>Page 19. (The page with the "neat little diagrams" BTW)
> "In addition to the vehicles and war machines listed, the chapter has
>access to a vast range of other military hardware. This includes
>companies of Land Raiders, Predators and the like as well as special
>artillery and weaponry. Individual armored vehicles and support gear
>are supplied to the companies, in appropriate livery, by command of the
>various captains."
>If all you go by is the Infantry TO&E box, you must NEVER use Predators
>or Thunder hawks, as they are not listed as an option AT ALL as support
>weapons. It boils down to do you play Epic, where Land Raiders have
>always been a major part of Space Marine forces or WH40K, where they
>very rare? Me, I play Epic.
me I play both.. wh40k because I can have morew detail on the figs
without using a microscope to do it.. and epic because you get more for
the money.. but either way I enjoy both.. Sure you may not like wh40k
but hey thats your choice..


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Received on Sat Jul 11 1998 - 10:24:59 UTC

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