Re: [Epic] NetEpic and Warlock titans

From: Justin <iluvatar_at_...>
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 1998 13:03:37 -0700

Fredrik Berggren wrote:

> this is a pure NetEpic question...
> as you know (?) NetEpic features a "flyer phase", which allows flyers to
> make their attack runs before any other movement or firing. this is
> great and feels realistic. but a problem occurs when a flyer opts to
> attack a eldar warlock titan. the warlock titan has the very powerful
> ability to choose the orders after all other units. but to attack the
> titan you must know it's orders to work out the effects of the
> holofields. a clear moment 22.
> using the NetEpic's "fog of war" rule makes this even more strange.
> yesterday when we played we solved it by giving the Warlock titan orders
> just like any other unit. nullifying one of it's greatest powers. has
> anybody else encountered this problem and come up with another solution?
> //fredde

  Send your question to Peter Ramos at PRamos1_at_.... He handles
the official Q&A for NetEpic. Personally for the sake of speed, I would
just use last turn's orders for purposes of holofield saves.

  A member of the NetEpic group
Received on Thu Aug 06 1998 - 20:03:37 UTC

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