[Epic] Att: Francios

From: Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 12:14:31 +0930

Sorry for spamming the list but I can't get through to Francios


Hiya Francios,

I tried out that Javascript you sent me for loading frames and guess what
... it works great with Netscape but not at all with IE4.0

IE4.0 seems to get upset about referencing an HTML page with a ? in the
href. It looks like it is throwing away everything after the ? sign.

I don't have all my books here but there must be a way to do it.

Have a look and see what you can find and then let me know on the PDS list

I will keep working from my end.



Chris Pinson

Empower Business Systems
(08) 8233 2059

chrisp_at_... (work)
csuch_at_... (home)
Received on Thu Aug 27 1998 - 02:44:31 UTC

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