[Epic] Space Marine/Adeptus Titanicus

From: <tzeentch666_at_...>
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 12:35:52 -0700

I'm sorry some of you think I'm stealing money from GW. That is not my
intent, nor do I even think I am in any way shape or form. As for ringing
cash registers...well...how well IS Epic doing eh? Not a moralistic argument
I know, but I'm not doing it for any reason other then my own satisfaction.

Aside from the moralistic and legalistic arguments I see it as a service to
the people who do not have access to this piece of history and may wish to
see these rules. People in the real world I talked to seem interested so I
continue. One shop keeper who told me "GW is the biggest rip-off!" when I
bought the Chaos Codex yesterday seemed impressed someone even did it or
wanted to.

And I wish game shops around here had old copies of AT sitting around. I
live in SoCal and there are a lot of shops around, but none have any copies.
Don't assume local conditions apply everywhere.

AM/AT online is available at http://home.earthlink.net/~tzeentch666/

Feel free to do whatever you want with the stuff. While you are there check
out my other projects like Epic Battle for Hoth, Epic Domination of the
Draka (official!), Epic Ogre Miniatures (semi-official!) and others. I try
to contribute to the Epic community as much as I can. If you have any
ideas.suggestions, gripes, playtest reports, etc. let me know at
tzeentch666_at_... I respond prompty to any emails.

And keep 'pirate boy' flames to private email please. At least I
*contribute* to the Epic community fanboy. There, my one flame for the week.

Ken "Am I in r.g.m.w?"
NetEpic Idea Rat

>Mike Looney IONet wrote:
>> They should be, in a perfect world, but they are not. That is why the
>> E41K project is moving rather slow, as I have to re-write the whole of
>> the rules, just using concepts from E40K.
> sorry to hear that... maybe we can do a "Perfect World" special card.
that should
>solve things. ;)
Received on Sun Sep 06 1998 - 19:35:52 UTC

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