Re: [Epic] Chaos Marine Air Defense & Artillery (E40K)

From: Mike Looney - ionet <mlooney_at_...>
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 09:21:27 -0500

J Andrew Evans wrote:

> Message text written by INTERNET:space-marine_at_...
> >Why do you say IG and SM cannot be in the same det???
> DV<
> Surely this is because in the Army book (Epic 40K) they are listed as
> separate detachments, yet within the Imperial Army list. It is
> obvious
> they allied frequently and fight together - indeed there was a WD
> article
> along the lines of the developing assuming they always fought together
> which is why the SMs have no natural Flak guns - but as different
> detachments.
> I personally like to fight them separately as the SMs are interesting
> to
> fight whereas the IG tactics (at least the way I designed my army) are
> very
> much stand at the back and shoot.

You can have SM and IG in the same detachment If and Only IF it is a
"Supreme Commander" detachment with an "Inquisitor Lord" as the leader.

You can have 1 of the following:
SM Termies (1 W or W/o Landraider)
SM Bikers (1-3 units)
SM Landspeeders (1-3 units)
SM Attack Bikes (1-3 units)

You may have 2 of the following
IG squad (2 units, w or w/o APC)
IG HW squad (1 unit, w or w/o APC)
Ogryn (1 unit)
Rough Rider (1 unit)

Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed.  P. Opus
 Version: 3.1
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Received on Tue Sep 08 1998 - 14:21:27 UTC

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