Re: [Epic] OT subject

From: Francois Bruntz <Francois.Bruntz_at_...>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 23:31:11 +0100

Tzeenecht_at_... a �crit :

> we have our downside in america(A HORNY PRESIDENT) but we rule.

Did someone say that only French people were chauvinistic?!!!!!!! ;o)

> And as for the
> French Gov. Well, I have nothing against the French people but their gov
is a
> bunch of cowards. You know that when we almost attacked Iraq france would
> get involved and would not let NATO airforces flie in French air space
> they were afraid of SCUD'ed for being involved

Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
So our soldiers in the ex-Yougoslavia were cowards? France has suffered
many deaths in this operation which was much more dangerous than attacking
You rule?! Not in France, sorry (OK, there you can say that I'm
chauvinistic ;oD

Bon, all this is really funny but OFF TOPIC!!!!!!! If you want to chat
about this, mail me privately.

Fran�ois Bruntz (ICQ : 14112031)

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Received on Sat Sep 12 1998 - 22:31:11 UTC

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