Re: [Epic] Titans and CC (a new theory...)

From: Brett Hollindale <agro_at_...>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 12:45:25 GMT

At 07:47 PM 4/3/97 -0500, you wrote:
>On Tue, 4 Mar 1997, David Knowles wrote:
>> OK so maybe your titans don`t die in CC, but mine do!!! I am
>> constantly attacked by swarms of buzzing, annoying Jetbikes, sometimes I can
>> shoot enough of them to give my Titan a chance of winning, but there are
>> times when this just isn`t possible. And my Titans DIE!!! Miserably!!!
>> Taken out by skinney Eldar on bikes, I mean I wouldn`t mind if they died in
>> CC against a worthy opponent but they don`t!!!
>> DSK
>Jetbikes are the only ones that can do it in my opinion. You do have a
>problem. What race are you playing? How many points? I would suggest
>tacticals on FF in the area. Something cheap, like IG tac troops or Chaos
>Squats (2 dice 5+, no save mod) are ideal for the job. The Jetbikes are
>disadvantaged by their status as a skimmer (amazing how this balances out)
>and you should take advantage of it. If you can't afford some kind of
>firing squad bodyguard then I would suggest that your points are to low
>for taking a Titan.
>Really, we would need more specifics (maybe examples) to give any really
>good advice. This by the way (IMHO) is what the list is best at. Just
>issue the challenge ("you can't defend Titans") and watch the people on
>the list rise to the occasion.

I don't know Chad, I issued the challenge "you don't need to defend titans",
and what I have so far is four (count 'em - 4!) replies suggesting that
while it is a valid interpretation, "we're sure that's not what GW meant",
one reply of "no I haven't checked the rules 'cause whether it says that or
not I'll continue to insist that we do it MY way" and a suggestion that I
"drop the subject for pity's sake"...

You CAN get sound tactical advice from this list, but I am disapointed by
the lack of rules clarification. When I found the list (six month's ago?) I
thought "great - now I can find out other people interpret whatever my
gaming crowd is argueing about at the moment".

When NetEPIC started I thought "great, now we can fix all of those glaring
problems with EPIC..."

Sadly, only a tiny few of us are prepared to help out folks who know less
about the rules than we do.

Received on Wed Mar 05 1997 - 12:45:25 UTC

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