Re: [Epic] New Game Grumbles

From: Mark A Shieh <SHODAN+_at_...>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 17:57:40 -0500 (EST)

allen_at_... (A. Allen McCarley) writes:
> > There are no, none, nada, niente, differences gamewise between old and new
> > minis. All the old stuff is playable/compatable with no penalties. The
> > only reason you need to buy new mminis is because you don't have enough
> > now, or you like the look of the new ones.

> Give it up, Paul. I tried this line of reasoning for months. No
> one is listening. I guess it's more fun to bitch than to listen.
> Thanks for your efforts on rumor control, though.

        Well, I was listening, but telling me again is generally going
to leave me just as quiet on the subject as I was before. I made an
obligatory comment on an ugly $30 Warlord titan rather than 6 nice
looking ones for $30, but that was about it, I think.

Received on Wed Mar 12 1997 - 22:57:40 UTC

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