Re: [Epic] New Game Grumbles

From: Marc <tw44645_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 02:25:41 +0100

At 14:45 12/03/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Since subscribing to the list a week or so ago to find out about the new
>game system (I don't collect space marine but have been collecting 40k
>for about a year) I have heard a lot of complaints about it. These seem
>to fall into four catagories,
>1) The models are a bit different.
>2) GW are rip-off merchants.
>3) The new game is not as 'realistic' as the old one.
>4) The new rules are going to 'spoil the game'.
>It seems to me that the first two are fair enough (but not exactly
>unnexpected), and the third may also be true (if a little irrelevant)
>but I don't understand the fourth. I may be missing something, but IMHO
>if the game has not been released yet, then surely the only people that
>can truely judge it are those few that have actually played it.
>Is there something about the new game that makes it possible for people
>to predict that it will be crap without even playing it, if so, then I
>would like to know before I spend me hard earned cash.

Good question dude.

As you have seen for the few days you are member of the list, a lot of
people say that the Epic40K *will* suck and that the new rules will spoil
the game.

I think this is the reaction of people that are very angry in the fact that
GW has completely changed the system and not adapted an existent system.

I have also remarked that some people (not only on the list) are doing an
'anti-GW' crusade and are trying to convince people not to buy GW material

IMHO, some of the reasons are understandable (some people are mad as hell
that one of their old armies will not be in the new system, for example),
but some reasons are stupid as well (like 'The game will have relationships
with WH40K, THUS it will suck.') .

I have not seen the new system, so I cannot know if Epic 40K will be good or
not, but do not forget that the people that created Epic 40K are the same
that created the other GW games you love (in your case WH40K, in my case
Epic 2 and WHFB ), so unless they have a momentary lapse of reason, they
will make a good job of it.

The latest major release of GW is WHFB 5th ed., and in some ways it is
better than 4th ed. because the main problem is resolved (IMHO, of course) :
that magic had too much importance in the game.Now, magic is toned down and
the game is more 'tactical' and the magic phase isn't the most important
phase in the game anymore.

About what I heard from Paul 'Rumour Control' Tobia and others that has seen
the game, the game seems very interesting, and a very original system.
The minis look cool, and the system seems as simple (but different) as the
old system.

One of the biggest problems in Epic 2 (that each and every vehicle has a
myriad of special rules, without a 'globalising' view) seems to be resolved
in a very harsh way : that now, some vehicles were regrouped in generic
groups, with less variety.But you can trust GW to come with new special
vehicles every month.
Received on Thu Mar 13 1997 - 01:25:41 UTC

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