[Epic] New Game Grumbles

From: Stuart Mottershead <stuart.m_at_...>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 14:45:36 -0800

Since subscribing to the list a week or so ago to find out about the new
game system (I don't collect space marine but have been collecting 40k
for about a year) I have heard a lot of complaints about it. These seem
to fall into four catagories,

1) The models are a bit different.

2) GW are rip-off merchants.

3) The new game is not as 'realistic' as the old one.

4) The new rules are going to 'spoil the game'.

It seems to me that the first two are fair enough (but not exactly
unnexpected), and the third may also be true (if a little irrelevant)
but I don't understand the fourth. I may be missing something, but IMHO
if the game has not been released yet, then surely the only people that
can truely judge it are those few that have actually played it.

Is there something about the new game that makes it possible for people
to predict that it will be crap without even playing it, if so, then I
would like to know before I spend me hard earned cash.
Stuart Mottershead
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Peace, Love & The  | |  / /  (_)  / /  / / ____ _  / /
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Received on Wed Mar 12 1997 - 22:45:36 UTC

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