Re: [Epic] Ye Olde 40K History.....

From: Stuart Mottershead <stuart.m_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 09:58:00 -0800

Michael the Liu wrote:

> reason they give). As I mentioned once before on this list, my personal
> favorite changing of history by GW is this one incident from Realms of
> Chaos, where on one page it described in great detail the Emperor's battle
> with Horus. In the end it tells of how he focussed a bolt of raw psychic
> power and used it to strike down the Warmaster. However, on the very next
> page when off-handedly mentioning the Emperor's battle with Horus, they said
> something along the lines of, "when he slew Horus with a mighty blow from
> his power sword." Go fig, they can't even keep their story straight for
> more than a page at a time! Whatever sells I guess.

Just an idea, but, maybe he knocked him down with the psychic bolt
(stunning him) and then executed him with the power sword (the text is a
bit ambiguous from what you say). ;-)
Stuart Mottershead
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Peace, Love & The  | |  / /  (_)  / /  / / ____ _  / /
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Received on Thu Mar 13 1997 - 17:58:00 UTC

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