Re: [Epic] Ye Olde 40K History.....

From: Michael the Liu <mikethel_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 02:04:32 -0600 (CST)

>Hey! I've just been reading some of the very cool Background history and
>fluff from the 1st Ed. Space Marine and Adeptus Titanicus and noticed a very
>interesting thing.

>In the Horus Herusy, when the Emperor invaded the Warmaster's command post
>(NOT his battle-barge) he took ROGAL DORN and the IMPERIAL FISTS with him on
>the assault, and NOT Sanguinius and the Blood Angels! Ths was really weird.

Weren't they both along for the ride, with the Imperial Fists being the
Emperor's chosen protectors chapter, while the Blood Angels just helping out?

>And Horus was actually possessed by a Daemon for the Warp which is why he
>betrayed the Imperium. He was not simply "lead astray", but actually

Yeah, I'm familiar with this bit.

>And Eldar Guardians were originally called Avenging Warriors (I prefer
>Guardians though).

Haven't heard that before though.

>Does GW always ignore the history it has written?

Wait, what're you trying to say? I'm afraid I'm going to have to report you
to the ThoughPol, citizen, you are expressing some immoral thoughts.

All kidding aside though, the answer to your question is, in a word, "yes".
The whole reason the Squats are being so delayed is because GW doesn't like
their old history and wants to change it a bit (or at least that's the
reason they give). As I mentioned once before on this list, my personal
favorite changing of history by GW is this one incident from Realms of
Chaos, where on one page it described in great detail the Emperor's battle
with Horus. In the end it tells of how he focussed a bolt of raw psychic
power and used it to strike down the Warmaster. However, on the very next
page when off-handedly mentioning the Emperor's battle with Horus, they said
something along the lines of, "when he slew Horus with a mighty blow from
his power sword." Go fig, they can't even keep their story straight for
more than a page at a time! Whatever sells I guess.

> "Do not run, we are your friends."
> -Martians from 'Mars Attacks'
> email: kx.henderson_at_...

Michael the Liu
Received on Thu Mar 13 1997 - 08:04:32 UTC

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