Re: [Epic] Titans and Eldar (looooong) (was: Titans and CC)

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 11:22:24 -0600

At 09:15 AM 3/20/97 -0600, you wrote:
>duckrvr_at_... wrote:
>> Incidentally, what do you have against the spirit host? Is it the "kill the
>> warlock/break the company" thing?
>I've always felt the 10cm move of the enitre spirit host always put
>it in an awkward position in relation to the rest of the Eldar army.
>With every other unit capable of 25cm or better movement, the spirit
>host for me was regulated to just mop up action and maybe sentry
>duties around Tempests and Prism Cannons and the like. Also if you
>do use it to assault the enemy, living Eldar must be near each
>so your slowing down additional troops as well.

Yeah, but . . . first turn you know the warlock can give them whatever
orders you want. Put the dreadnoughts on charge, with some war walkers on
advance. turn 1 they keep up, turn 2, they go on ff with the warwalkers
(who did get to fire), and voila! you have 11 stands with 75cm range and
give up a combined 2 VPs. Throw the wraithguard in a falcon (Questionable,
I know, but I've never played anyone who was totally adamant about it.) on
charge and plan it so they meet up with some aspects and you've added at
least half again to the effectiveness of those aspects without giving up any
VPs. Keep the warlock back to take pot shots at anything that gets to your
back line (like thawks), and the chances of losing the 5 VP is slim.
Another option is to scatter the dreadnoughts in with some dark reapers in
cover. You can also put the warlock in the falcons with the wraithguard and
thereby get him more into the middle of the board where his filed of view is
better (obviously you want him facing bakc toward your own lines so as to
protect him).

I've never understood everyone's distaste for troops who go on autopilot.
You just have to plan ahead a little is all.

Received on Thu Mar 20 1997 - 17:22:24 UTC

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