Re: [Epic] Epic 40K card?

From: Alan Brain <aebrain_at_...>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 23:03:43 -0800

Brett Hollindale wrote:

> >Let's see, last few games were (Myself, Opponent, Length, Size in Kpts)
> >
> >Orcs, Squats, 3, 3K
> >Tyrannids, Space Marines, 14, 6K
> >Orcs, Titan Legion, 5, 10K
> >Tyrannids, Squats, 9, 5K
> >Orcs, Squats+ Imp Guard, 7, 15K
> >Orcs, SpaceMarines 4, 5K
> These are some long games. Do you use a roughly 8'x4' table with 1-3 "one
> foot square" terrain pieces per 2'x2' area?

6 ft by 8 ft, with 1-3 pieces every 2x2 ft area, yes.

> Do you have any house rules that differ radically from the game as written?

Nope, none.
> I can imagine Tryranid games going 4 or 5 turns, buit 14?!????

Situation was 4 Space Marine Companies vs an Infantry- and Bio-Titan
Bug force, with few vehicles. (2 Assault, 2 Devastator). The SM Assault
companies came in on Drop Pods, as did a fair bit of the Bug Infantry
(in spores). Two whole SM companies came in at the table edge, and
occupied a large town (4 terrain features worth), the rest attempted to
gain a quick victory via VPs.
The Bugs that came in in spores had a few turns of Combat in the towns,
Assault SMs aren't too bad, especially with a medic to replace 1/3 of
the losses. One of the other SM companies used Drop Pods over several
succeeding turns to try to get objectives BEHIND the bug advance - which
not only slowed the bugs down, but required a fair bit of work to
exterminate the last few stands hiding in various buildings. Finally,
the Bio-Titans moved up, and despite being lashed by the SM Devastators
in the back line and with the two Dominatrices, finally brought the
buildings down (with their SM contents), enough to get the win. The SMs
at one stage were 2 VPs from winning, but then lost one objective, then
another, and then it was just a matter of time. 3 Medics and a Chaplain
rather helped the SMs from taking the losses they might otherwise have

> And the others are pretty long too...

I suspect the 6 ft width table might be responsible. Also, with REALLY
large games, over 10 K Pts, we often play lengthways. The Orks vs
Squats/Imps for example was on a lengthways table. Great Gargant
"Grotnik" took down the Imperator "Tyrannosaurus Rex", the first kill of
many to its credit. OTOH a weirdboy tower exploded, and took out 2000
pts of Orks in one go, 2 whole clans with support.
> In my experince, two and three turn games are the norm with one turn games a
> rarity (but by no means impossible).

Maybe we could have a game or two... after all, we're less than 2000 km
apart, unlike most people on the list.
aebrain_at_...     <> <>    How doth the little Crocodile
| Alan & Carmel Brain|      xxxxx       Improve his shining tail?
| Canberra Australia |  xxxxxHxHxxxxxx _MMMMMMMMM_MMMMMMMMM
100026.2014 compuserve o OO*O^^^^O*OO o oo     oo oo     oo  
                    By pulling MAERKLIN Wagons, in 1/220 Scale
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Received on Mon Mar 24 1997 - 07:03:43 UTC

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