RE: [Epic] Epic 40K Facts

From: Farley, James <JFarley_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 10:59:09 -0800

>>>>>Forth, pop-up attacks, now better than ever. You can move at charge
>>>>>speed and still pop-up. You can fall back and pop-up (normal
>>>>>And you can overwatch and pop-up (reroll misses).
>>>>But they don't pop-up to see everything anymore, at least
>>>>as Paul explained it.
>>They don't?? That's not how I read it. I have been doing it myself
>>with land speeders, works very well.
>>I have not read it myself, but Paul said that pop-ups
>>only go up as high as "intervening terrain". I asked
>>for clarification, and he said they go up as high as
>>whatever they're hiding behind, and then can see whatever
>>they can see from there.
>>If you want to explain your way of reading it, I'd be
>>interested. If they are again supposed to go up
>>infinitely high and see everything, I will again use
>>a house rule for how high they go. We used to use
>>25cm, but I think I'd prefer 15.
Ok, I see the problem now. You are wondering if a pop-up can spot units
for artillery. The answer is you don't need to. Artillery can fire at
anything in range, if it is spotted or not. The "Intervening Terrain"
phrase was in the original description of pop-ups in SM, but since
spotting for artillery was such a big deal, it was much more important.

The way the pop-up is phrased in the new rules, it would seem that if
you are right behind a building (the target), the pop-up will be able to
see over the building because it is a piece of "Intervening Terrain".
The same is true for flyers.


I checked the rules yesterday and must say I was wrong!!!!!! Eldar
Titans are not cheese. Any hit to a Eldar titan causes critical damage.
 This translates into about the same live expectancy as a similar priced
titan from another army.

Received on Thu Mar 27 1997 - 18:59:09 UTC

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