Re: [Epic] My new Epic40K :p

From: <duckrvr_at_...>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 09:38:36 -0600

At 12:14 PM 3/29/97 +0800, you wrote:

>1. Falcon looks stonking good ! With multiple weapon mount.

I'm changing my mind. The WD pic looked better than the net stuff.

>4. Lottas drawings and pictures - depicting mass combat. This really
>set the mood. Ny favorite is the Eldar in jetbikes assaulting a Chaos
>(Khorne's ?) citadel. Awesome. Too bad the picture is kinda small and in b&w
>- I would love an A4 size of that.

Of course it's Khorne. GW has a hard-on for Khorne.

>10. Jervis Johnson lost yet another battle report to Andy Chambers. In a
>replay in which he replayed the scenario on the opposite side (but took a
>slightly different force) he defeated Andy Chambers. I am not sure if this
>can be consider as an official battle report victory though. So does this
>mean Jervis has yet to win a battle report game against Andy since WD 130+ ?

Jervis may be a nice guy, but he is a tactical dunderhead. It is clear from
his tactics that he picks his force purely on how "nifty" it is and plays by
rolling dice to randomly determine what his units will do.

>12. Dark Eldar's existence is hinted at (p.60 of Armies Book, "Many
>Webway portals on Ulthwe are sealed by powerful runes and curses, for they
>lead to the Crone Worlds where the Eldar's dark brethen now worship the
>Chaos gods..."

They need to just beak down and design the force.

>13. No ripper tentacles for Hiorodule, only for Hierophant. No big loss,
>as the ripper tenctacles only disable one war engine's close assault weapon.
>However the Razor Claw will double its Assault Value against war engines
>(pretty awesome - considering that assault value of Hierodule is 25 and 30
>for Hierophant).

Oh, goody. Tough Tyranids. Who'd'a thunk. Did I mention GW has a hard-on
for bugs, too?

>17. John Blanche's art is fabulous. It took some getting use to
>initially, but most of my friends who do not even play any GW says it is
>pretty impressive - the chaotic battlefield, the epic scale, the madness of
>the 40k universe is very well represented here.

Cool. At least it's something different from GW's standard recycled house art.

Received on Mon Mar 31 1997 - 15:38:36 UTC

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