RE: [Epic] Epic 40K Facts

From: Farley, James <JFarley_at_...>
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 14:45:02 -0800

>>> >SHWs can also fire at any unit in a detatchment, does that include
>>> >commanders?
>>> >
>>AFAIK, yes. Although there appears to be no particular advantage in
>>kiling an HQ unit, but if the opponent chooses the next in command
>>poorly, you might force him to leave some units "out of command".
>This is true for HQs, but not special characters or units. I can also see
>cheesing the HQ concept, when the second in command (as determined by the
>army book) is at the edge of the formation, so you just kill the commander
>and put half of the unit out of command.
Received on Mon Mar 31 1997 - 22:45:02 UTC

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