RE: [Epic] Eldar tactics

From: Cameron Bentsen <stu7i95_at_...>
Date: 03 Apr 1997 08:26 EST

In message "[Epic] Eldar tactics", you write:

> [on firing at skimmers]
> >quote SM page 18
> >
> >When skimmers make a pop up attack, enemy units on FF orders are allowed
> to
> >fire back if they are able to do so, but enemy with advance orders may
> not
> >fire at the skimmers because they have now dropped back down into cover
> >where they cannot be seen.
> >
> >end quote
> >
> >but I would say that the orders (FF or Advance) are the deciding factor,
> >rather than the word "back" (as in "fire back").
> >How do others feel about skimmers not being targets before they shoot?
> I agree with Allan that they can't be shot at before
> popping up (without normal LOS, of course). The bit
> about the orders just says how long the pop-up lasts--
> they come down before the Advance phase. I guess they
> come down before CC, too, since you can attack base-to-base.
> andy
> andy.skinner_at_...

I also agree; in fact, I was fairly sure there was either something in the TL
description of skimmers or else one of Allen's Q&As that explained this.

Cameron Bentsen, Ottawa
Received on Thu Apr 03 1997 - 13:26:00 UTC

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