Re: [Epic] Avatars (was: Titans and Eldar (looooong))

From: Spatula <shupes_at_...>
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 09:06:05 -0500

> From: Brett Hollindale <agro_at_...>
> > 'That fleshound trick' really isn't valid IMHO.
> Can someone with access to WD 173 and 175 find the bit I'm pretty sure is
> there and quote it to the list please?

        It's up on my webpage...

Q: If a Greater Daemon or Primarch is killed by the Eldar Avatar can it be
   saved by playing a Chaos card?

A: No. The Avatar is a creature wholly animated by the psychic power of the
                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [1]
   warlike thoughts of the Eldar in its craftworld. As such, any damage it
   inflicts is treated as being a psychic attack to which Greater Daemons and
                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2]
   Primarchs are especially vulnerable.

> In every case (Warlock Titans and Grey Knights) except Avatars I would agree
> that there is a physical component as well. In the case of the Avatar the
> QA in WD makes it totally clear that there is no physical component to the
> Avatar...

        I wouldn't say 'totally clear'. [1] 'wholly animated' - it has
a physical body animated by the Eldar's dark side. [2] well, this seems
to imply that the attack it totally psychic. However I think it's safe
to say this is just bad wording. For one thing, the description of the
Avatar is pretty clear on it not being a ghost. It's a giant animated
statue with molten metal for blood. For another thing, there's point [1].

Received on Thu Apr 03 1997 - 14:06:05 UTC

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