[Epic] Allies & Transports

From: David Knowles <link0031_at_...>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 15:01:28 +0000

O.K. I've got another couple of Q's for you lot,

1. Can infantry from one army use transports fron another?
  (eg. if I was fighting a battle using Marines & Eldar could aspect
warriors ride in Land Raiders.) We've always played that the answer to
this is no, but is that correct? (As I read something about using a marine
Battle company to ride in an Imperator titan, which is an ally.)

2. If an objective is in a building, does the building count as the
objective, or the counter? If it's the building that's the objective then
if both me and my opponent move stands into it on the same turn (thus we are
both as close to it as each other) does anyone get VP`s?
   We've always played that the building is the objective and you only get
VP's if you alone are inside in the end phase. Then the only way for your
opponent to capture it is to kill everyone inside then get one of his units
within 15 cm.
3. Why is the Space Marine Commander Special Card so crap? :-P
    I mean why take him when you can have an Inquisitor for the same cost.

        I had another question but it slipped my mind (hence Q3.)
                 Never mind, hope you can help me with these.

Received on Fri Apr 04 1997 - 15:01:28 UTC

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