RE: [Epic] Re: Epic Q&AQuestions about E40K

From: Farley, James <JFarley_at_...>
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 19:43:49 -0700

>> IG infantry companies can NOT get more than 3(!!!) units as the
>>main force!! What the &^%$! Everybody else bar Elder can get more than
>>that, IG tanks get more. On the aussmption that is's a missprint, I played
>>using the standerd 10, and it worked ok. IS this a missprint?!?! hell,
>>that means the ruls say you can get 10 support for 3 main force units.
You get three for each command squad you take, and you can take three
command squads 3*3=9 total units. The question is that it allows you to
take 10 support units up to one per main force unit, but that would only
seem like 9 units not ten? There maybe a misprint somewhere in there.

> IS it really stupid to attack anyone in CC, considering they
>always seem to get snap fire? My reaver got close to his Warlord that was
>pretty damaged to mabye CC it, and he (cause he still had 3 weapons) then
>fired everything he ahd to knock my shields down and luckly only do 2
>damage points. Because of snapfire, anyone, but particaly titans, can blow
>up anyone getting that close. Or am I reading the rules wrong? I assume I am.
You only snap fire in the main movement phase, not in the assault phase
>where you actually can enter CC.
Received on Sun Apr 13 1997 - 02:43:49 UTC

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