Re: [Epic][E40k]Flyers

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+_at_...>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 00:00:51 -0400 (EDT)

Excerpts from Epic: 14-Apr-97 Re: [Epic][E40k]Flyers by Mark A Shieh_at_...
> > > It says to work your way down from initiative. It doesn't
> > >mention alternating fire. Does this mean that if I have 5 Nightwings
> > >(4/2 assault) and 5 Fighta-Bommerz(3/2 assault), each of the
> > >Nightwings will try to shoot one of the Fighta-Bommerz before they can
> > >retaliate? This could suck for the Orks.
> >
> > Yep.
> I've been getting conflicting responses. How do I know if this is
> true as written (no alternating fire, just like it isn't mentioned in
> the rule book), or alternating fire, like in the example given in the
> Battles Book? Since Jervis says the examples are hosed...

Alright, here's my interpretation, which seems to check out with both
the rules and the Battles book.

In a "dogfight" (ie big mass of flyers trying to kill each other):

* Flyers with the highest initiative go first;
* If opposing flyers have the same initiative, then the ones with
Intercept orders go first;
* If opposing flyers have both the same initiative and intercept orders,
then they alternate.

(Well, OK, put in "intercept value" for initiative, hopefully everyone
know what I mean.)

Jervis just happened to chose an example where the forces had the same
intercept value and were on intercept orders, so they alternated. Also,
the alternate rule isn't very clear in the rules book, thus the


                    Aaron Teske
Received on Tue Apr 15 1997 - 04:00:51 UTC

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