Re: [Epic] Bio-Titans! are good!

From: M. Edward Davis <mediii_at_...>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 00:12:38 -0600 (MDT)

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Aaron P Teske wrote:

> Excerpts from Epic: 15-Apr-97 [Epic] Bio-Titans! are good! by
> Sutherland_at_...
> > Everyone is whining about how much the new tyranid titans blow. Did anyone
> > bother to see what they are capable of?
> >
> > 1. 18 DC. as much as a great gargant(430 pts)
> The main trick here is that they have nothing to stop the first Death
> Ray from causing a critical. Sure, they have a lot of DC, but if the

Um, where does it say Death Ray's don't ignore shields? Do any super
heavys ignore shields? If D-Ray's don't ignore shields, they do one point
of damage to the shields if they hit?

> bug player is unlucky then his Titan could drop on the first hit (roll
> boxcars). An Imperial Titan *always* absorbs a number of hits equal to
> it's void shields, and Eldar Titans are nearly as good, if a bit more
> random. (Again, an Eldar Titan is perfectly capable of dropping to the
> first shot fired at it, though in this case it could even be a shot from
> a single tac stand....)
> > 2. NEVER stopped by blast markers.
> Hmm... that does help the BT get to it's target, certainly.

Does this mean that a War Machine with 7 blast markers on it can't move?
> > 3. Nullifies one CC wpn on other war machines.
> Only the Heirophant.
> > 4 ? read the description of the eldar holo-fields on page 65. They
> > mention the meter thick armor of the imperial titans or the REGENARATIVE
> > abilities of the tyranid bio-titans. Is this just fluff or did the roolz
> > boyz really miss something on this one?
> I think it's fluff, meant to describe why the BTs get a 6+ armour save.
> (I recall reading that somewhere, but darned if I can recall where....)
> > 2+3 means that you can not stop the titan from coming straight at you.
> > Then when it gets there it is going to clean your clock.
> >
> > It is not as bad as you ppl think. Just use them the way they are suited to
> > be played instead of how you use to play them.
> Basically, bugs need terrain (forest) now even more than they did in TL.

Or buildings (cities).

> Aaron Teske
> Mithramuse+_at_...

                                        Ed "Overload" Davis
Received on Tue Apr 15 1997 - 06:12:38 UTC

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