Quick and Dirty method for making very cheap and nasty copies of simple
Plasticine (Silly Putty in the USA?)
Araldite or similar 2-part resin glue.
Butter or cooking oil.
Aluminium foil,
Sharp Knife.
First, dip your figure in the grease. Try and leave a thin film. Pure N
Simple works well.
Second, cover figure with plasticine. First, make a bed, then press
figure to be cast into it. Now cover the plasticine with a little oil,
then some foil, cutting a hole in the foil in the general vicinity of
the figurine.
Third, more oil, then cover with plasticine. Squeeze HARD.
Fourth, put it in the fridge, so the plasticine sets rock hard.
Fifth, seperate the halves. You may have to straighten out either one or
both halves a bit.
Sixth, fill both halves with Araldite. Wait till tacky, then put the two
halves together.
This is tried and tested with some 1/3600 ships, and even a few simple
1/300 figurines no longer available. And one or two I'd made myself.
Quality is low, about the same as the cheapest metal figs.
aebrain_at_... <> <> How doth the little Crocodile
| Alan & Carmel Brain| xxxxx Improve his shining tail?
| Canberra Australia | xxxxxHxHxxxxxx _MMMMMMMMM_MMMMMMMMM
100026.2014 compuserve o OO*O^^^^O*OO o oo oo oo oo
By pulling MAERKLIN Wagons, in 1/220 Scale
See http://www.z-world.com/graphics/z/master/8856.gif for picture
Received on Thu Apr 17 1997 - 08:04:59 UTC