Re: [Epic] terminators E40K

From: The Ogre <the.ogre_at_...>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 22:32:54 -0700

duckrvr_at_... wrote:
> At 09:00 PM 4/15/97 -0700, you wrote:
> >What the hell are you on? Of course he doesn't get a save duh!
> >He is fooling ya big style!
> >He gets a 4+ save to save his termis for when his LR blows up and sees
> >whether it takes the termis with it or not, but that is it. You cannot
> >save on the 4+ if you fail to make the 4+ to get out by the way too!
> Why should you not get the second save? You paid for it.
> Temp

It goes off 40K mechanics aswell.

It is the case that with anything non Orky, and not riding inside
something, and the tank gets shot and killed with the appropriate result
on the damage table. All the carried crew, even multiwound stuff.
OR Terminator armoured stuff.

Received on Thu Apr 17 1997 - 05:32:54 UTC

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