Re: [Epic][E40k] The cheap Eldar detachment

From: DLIL-Lewiston, Kris <ponchoc_at_...>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 15:51:33 -0500

Mark A Shieh wrote:
> ponchoc_at_... (DLIL-Lewiston, Kris) writes:
> > This is the detachment I have been using to test out the new Eldar
> > points in E40K. So far I have won 3 out of 4 battles, (2 vs. Chaos, 2
> > vs. SM). Of the 4 battles the one I lost was to the Space Marines. They
> > had lots of air superiority (4 thunderbolt squads, and 4 Thawks).
> Well, you seem to be doing fine so far, but I've noticed a
> couple things that *I* would do differently. YMMV.
> > Detachment composition:
> >
> > Avatar 40pts.
> > Bodygaurd wraithgaurd + warlock 29pts.
> >
> > Main-
> > Farseer 50pts.
> > Swooping Hawk unit + Exarch 15pts.
> > Warp spider unit 14pts.
> > Gaurdian Jet bike squad(2units) 30pts.
> > Gaurdian Jet bike squad(2units) 30pts.
> > Dark reaper unit + Exarch 21pts.
> I'd ditch the Dark reaper and get myself a Dreadnaught or
> another Swooping Hawk/Warp Spider. Sure, a dread is only 5cm faster,
> but this detachment seems to have a heavy disparity in speed. I'd
> also put the Farseer on a Vyper. It seems kind of a motley detachment
> with all of the variety.
I used the Dark reapers due to the fact that I ran out of Jet bikes to
field, otherwise I would have put in 2 more units of them.
> > Eldar fleet detachment-
> > 3 Night Wing Interceptors(1 is HQ) 145pts.
> I understand the overwhelming desire to field 3 Nightwings,
> but 3 is a *terrible* number. If he shoots one down, you lose 3
> morale. Odd numbers are really bad these days. (I checked all of the
> bug-ridden examples, and they always rounded up for half strength)
> Please inform me if this is incorrect, as I'll go back to using
> odd-sized detachments.
I would put in more Night Wings but I can't find any more of the model
around here anywhere. I live in Decatur, IL. the nearest game store that
is carrying E40K ran out of them and doesn't know when they will get

> > I will probably on the next run change the Avatar for a Farseer on a
> > vyper, so he can keep up with the rest of the force.
> What will you use as bodyguard, 4 squads of 2 Jetbikes? 4
> squads of 2 jump-pack asspects? 4 Vypers? (brr.) Those seem like
> the 3 options for troops to go with a Farseer on Vyper commander...
> Still, you seem to be doing fine with your Avatar.
> Mark

I think I'll use Warp Spiders for the Body guard, or If I can get the
figs Vypers (I love vypers).
Received on Sat Apr 19 1997 - 20:51:33 UTC

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