Re: [Epic] New Figures, Old rules -Reply

From: Brian Morin <c603465_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 12:46:51 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 23 Apr 1997 CLL_at_... wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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> I guess I'm one of the diehards that likes 2nd edition far more than the
> current E40K. But the new figures that are coming out are just begging to
> be used in 2nd edition. I've come up with the following rules for
> Runtherdz: move:10cm save: none
> CAF: +3
> Attacks:1 range:50cm
> Save mod.:0
> Counts as a special card worth 1vp and costs 50 points.
> Special rules: Must be attatched to and lead a gretchin mob. The mob
> becomes free of the mimic rule while the runtherd is alive and must be
> placed on the same orders as the runtherd. In addition, any gretchin in the
> mob become upgraded to super gretchin and have their CAF improved to
> 0.
> I would like some feedback from people still playing second edition as well
> as any other ideas anyone has come up with to convert some of the new
> figs to the old rules.
> Thanks,
> Brian
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> In the same vein:-
> Mekboy: move 10cm, save none, CAF +3
> Attacks 1 range 25cm save mod 0
> Counts as a special card worth 1 VP and costs 100 points
> Special rules, gives Ork Vehicles within 10cm, (incl dreadnoughs, artillery
> and Superheavy's but NOT Gargants) a save of 5+ if they are destroyed
> (similar to a Techmarine) but if a 1 is rolled, you lose another vehicle from
> the same detachment/squadron etc as the Mekboy canibalises it for parts.
> A Painboy could be similar, eecept that a madboy stand was created on a
> 1 ?
> A wierdboy is more complicated though, any thoughts ?
> Chris
For the weirdboy, I really like the warphead rules in CJ5. Just get rid
of the stupid Thorpe psychic rules and allow 1 power a turn. If he's on
foot, maybe make his cost 150 points because he is rather good.
Received on Thu Apr 24 1997 - 19:46:51 UTC

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