[Epic] New Figures, Old rules -Reply

From: <CLL_at_...>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 16:11:34 +0000

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     I guess I'm one of the diehards that likes 2nd edition far more than the
current E40K. But the new figures that are coming out are just begging to
be used in 2nd edition. I've come up with the following rules for
Runtherdz: move:10cm save: none
CAF: +3
Attacks:1 range:50cm
Save mod.:0

Counts as a special card worth 1vp and costs 50 points.

Special rules: Must be attatched to and lead a gretchin mob. The mob
becomes free of the mimic rule while the runtherd is alive and must be
placed on the same orders as the runtherd. In addition, any gretchin in the
mob become upgraded to super gretchin and have their CAF improved to
I would like some feedback from people still playing second edition as well
as any other ideas anyone has come up with to convert some of the new
figs to the old rules.

In the same vein:-
Mekboy: move 10cm, save none, CAF +3
Attacks 1 range 25cm save mod 0

Counts as a special card worth 1 VP and costs 100 points

Special rules, gives Ork Vehicles within 10cm, (incl dreadnoughs, artillery
and Superheavy's but NOT Gargants) a save of 5+ if they are destroyed
(similar to a Techmarine) but if a 1 is rolled, you lose another vehicle from
the same detachment/squadron etc as the Mekboy canibalises it for parts.

A Painboy could be similar, eecept that a madboy stand was created on a
1 ?

A wierdboy is more complicated though, any thoughts ?
Received on Wed Apr 23 1997 - 16:11:34 UTC

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