Re: [Epic] Re: [E40k] Questions

From: Elias Tiliakos <elite_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 97 15:13:31 EST

>Example - a Warlord is armed with 4 mega cannon. It is shooting at a
>detachment of 12 ork Boyz. It can fit 3 stands under a barrage template,
>and can do this 4 separate times, each time hitting a different group of
>3. It shoots all 4 mega cannon at the orks. The first 2 attacks kill1
>ork apiece, the second two kill two. Does it place:
>1) 2 BMs - 1 because there are 4 SHWs firing, plus 1 addtional marker
>for a mega cannon attack;
>2) 5 BMs - 1 because there are 4 SHWs firing, plus 1 addtional marker
>for each mega cannon firing to a total of 4;
>3) 7 BMs - 1 because there are 4 SHWs firing, plus 1 addtional marker
>for each hit on the orks (with a total of 6 hits);
>4) 13 BMs - 1 because there are 4 SHWs firing, plus 1 addtional marker
>for each attack die rolled (and each megacannon rolled to hit 3 targets
>for a total of 12 rolls);
>5) something else?

I think choice #2 is the correct answer.

>Secondly, is it right that a unit with a factor of 1 beats a unit with a
>factor of 0 by 4 or greater for a +4 modifyer in close combat or
>firefights? I know this is correct according to the laws of
>mathematics, but it wouldn't be the first time a group of games
>designers failed to appreciate one of the subtleties of numbers.

IMHO, I think that was an oversight on the designer's part,
and would have to say that the unit with the 1 should only
get a +1. +4 just seems too ridiculous.

"Yes sir, they attacked one of our Rhinos with a bike."
"_A_ bike? You, the Imperium's finest, ran from _A_ bike?"
"Well... maybe it was _two_ bikes..."

I just can't imagine a whole detachment of space marines
breaking if one piddly rhino gets destroyed.

Received on Fri Apr 25 1997 - 20:13:31 UTC

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