Re: [Epic] [E40k] Tyranid Bio-Titan Regeneration

From: Jeff Schmidt <jschmidt_at_...>
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 10:32:33 -0500

>So, add Regeneration as a special ability for Bio-Titans, as follows:
>"Tyranid Bio-Titans regenerate lost Damage Capacity during the Repair
>step of the Rally Phase on a 4+, rolled separately for each point lost,
>including those lost in previous turns. Calculate Morale loss as normal
>at the point the Bio-Titan falls to half DC or less as normal. This is
>not regained should the Bio-Titan regenerate back above half DC in
>subsequent turns. Roll for Catastrophic damage immediately as normal when
>the Bio-Titan reaches zero (0) Damage Capacity. Regeneration cannot save
>the Bio-Titan from such extreme results!"

I and another bug player was thinking along similar lines as above,
although we thought a d6-1 gain, just like removing blast counters, would
work. I'd like to see both methods playtested. We ran some numbers
comparing biotitans to equivalent titans of other species and came to the
conclusion that you never should use biotitans under the new rules.
They'll just cough up morale points for you, and that's about it. Regen
might help some (although there is still little reason to take

Jeff Schmidt | NetCo Communications Corporation
software engineer, Mac development | 333 N. Washington Ave. Ste. 102
(612) 519-0878 | Minneapolis MN 55401, USA
Received on Sun Apr 27 1997 - 15:32:33 UTC

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