Re: [Epic] YES genestealer moves 95cm in one turn!!!!

From: James Flowers <jflowers_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 16:18:55 +1200

>> Robert Lenghaus wrote:
>> <SNIPPED> Jump the closest opponent
>> > doubling movement get your assault spawn into CC but only use 45 of
>> > possible 50 movement, stealers and 'gaunts jump and charge another
>> 25/35
>> > into CC, the new transport rules are WONDERFULL!!!! add your Lictors
>> into
>> > this equation and you are going to scare the begebers out of your
>> > opponent, the minimum move you get to get into CC with the stuff in
>> your
>> > assault spawn is 70cm for 'stealers (25+20+25) 80 for 'gaunts, up to
>> > possible 95 for Gst and a HUGE 105 for the 'gaunts.
>> Sorry to burst your bubble Robert but the double move in the Assault
>> Phase only counts for infantry units that end in contact with enemy
>> units. It doesn't apply to vehicles (like Assault Spawn) or war
>> engines...
>> Kind regards, JAMES FLOWERS
> So by your logic (sorry I haven't got the book with me) stuff like Land
> raiders can't double movement when assaulting, is this right?

That's correct. Check page 21 of the rulebook: "Charging into Close
Combat", last sentence.

Hope this clarifies things!

Kind regards, JAMES FLOWERS

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  Email: jflowers_at_... Web:
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Received on Mon Apr 28 1997 - 04:18:55 UTC

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