Re: [Epic] Critique Of Chaos Horde

From: Scott Shupe <shupes_at_...>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 12:34:43 -0400

Adam R Blitzer wrote:
> I realize that the army is very specialized but is it considered cheesy
> to specialize in CC with chaos? Granted...I may have gone overboard with
> only using certain types of Bloodletters, Trolls, and Juggers
> but they just seemed like logical choices.

        Indeed. You'll probably still be in pretty
poor shape by the time you reach the enemy, unless
he's a fool and comes out to meet you.

> I will also probably remove the
> Plague Tower and add a Primearch as well as a legion. I will then have
> 200 Points left over for something like Beasts of Nurgle or rhinos for
> the marines. Let me know what you think.

        Rhinos for the marines. very important, they're
pretty poor without. OR, if you're not expecting any
snap-fire weapons on your opponent's side, put the marines
in thunderhawks.

> Magnus or Mortarion a
> better buy?

        Each has his uses. Magnus is good against armies
with multiple SHVs & titans, providing you have something
that can strip void shields. Mortarion is a TERROR against
assault troops and bike companies, but he's more dependant
on luck than Magnus.

> Magnus's one shot
> seems like kind of a waste for a 300 pt unit. Seems like a shadowsword
> taken as a support unit would be more efficient (more guns, better armor,
> better movement, although no cards). Let me know what you think.

        Better armor? Means nothing since you can sacrifice
cards to keep magnus alive, while the first anti-tank shot
to hit a shadow sword is likely to kill it forever. Better
move? Magnus is a command unit. He moves 20cm and still fires
in the FF phase. Plus, he moves as infantry so he can go
into woods/buildings. Anything Magnus hits is dead (-6 save
mod, can't roll higher than a 6 on armor saves) and his shot
can knock down buildings. The Shadow Sword just doesn't measure

> Revised 5,000 Point Chaos Horde

> Miscellaneous Primearch (help me pick one) - 300

        Go for Mortarion.

> Marine Legion - 500
> Troll Warband - 250
> Troll Warband - 250
> Subtotal: 1350

        You need at least 1 more minion here - the legion
doesn't count as one. Take some transports for the marines.

> Artillery Company- 600
> Bombard Battery - 250

        Bombard battery is only 200 pts.

> Leviathan - 350 (mostly to counter the opponents leviathan)
> Subtotal: 1200
> 100 Points left to use.....

Received on Mon Apr 28 1997 - 16:34:43 UTC

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